Happy Monday!
I have mentioned a few Mondays ago about renovating our homeschool room. Since we started homeschooling we have lived in 5 houses (job moves) and this is the only house we have lived in that I can actually shut the door behind me when we are done or while we are in there to keep the noise controlled!
This is our second summer in this house and when we moved I had to start school right away because my kids thrive when we have structure in our day and a schedule which we didn't have that during the move. Hence why we homeschool year round and we take short breaks when needed. So this past month I decided it was time to take a break and just redo the whole room.
As you can see the room was in desperate need of organization! As much as I loved the single desks my older boys were outgrowing them. It's not a huge room so it felt so crowded in there and as you can see our bookshelves were overflowing with stuff. SO much furniture in there!! LOL 😄 It's what happens when you are a former teacher and a book lover. So I enlisted the help of the hubby and we painted the walls. We desperately needed some color in there.

I'm so happy with the turn out! No more clutter. The walls look so much warmer. De-cluttering and getting rid of stuff was great. I sold all the smaller desks and got rid of furniture that we didn't need in there. I took my desk and my hubby's desk he was using for work (no worries he got a new one!) and we combined them to make a huge table. It works great since this year all the kids will be homeschooling (let's not mention my baby is now in Kindergarten 😢) This way I will be able to work with all of them together. The desks are from IKEA and so are the chairs.
The bookshelf I put upright and have all our baskets with picture books by season and chapter books as well. The colorful baskets hold my kiddos individual curriculum books. That way they can grab their basket and bring it to the table to work in. So where did I put the rest of the things? If you notice the last picture that's where all the things went. I took over the coat closet and took an extra garage shelf we had and placed it in there with all of our items (craft supplies, puzzles, paper, etc..) and put it all in there nice and tidy! I am super excited about our space and the kids are too! They are getting excited about starting school back up and so am I! But I am still working on lesson plans so we won't start back up until August 31!

Oh I almost forgot I also needed a little space of my own since I sell Origami Owl jewelry... I had gotten this secretary desk last spring on Facebook Marketplace and put it on the side burner along with the other many other projects in my life. But I finally decided to give it the makeover it needed and I put it in the classroom! Now I have my own little workspace too!
Not too shabby for my first staining project!
We are super excited to start back but I must say if you are reading this and you are first time homeschooler don't get discouraged if you don't have a set place for homeschooling. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE A ROOM JUST FOR HOMESCHOOLING!! When we started homeschooling everything was done at the kitchen table. So it is very doable to do school anywhere!
If you have any questions let me know!
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